Thank you for your interest in volunteering!
This is a 100% volunteer-run league. We need volunteers in a number of areas: Coaching, Umpires, Team Parents, Board Members, and Field Maintenance.
Volunteer to coach! Each team needs a head coach and as many assistant coaches as possible; more coaches help players develop skills and keep practices fast-moving. Coaches can create a fun and rewarding season regardless of wins and losses. New coaches encouraged and supported! Coaches will have access to league coaching material and the Little League University training and education website. If we don’t have coaches, we can’t field teams, regardless of players registered. Please reach out to us with any questions.
Lincoln Little League needs umpires for our Home Field AAA and Majors games. Lincoln games are played at Hamilton Park (next to Bridlemile Elementary) and games are scheduled on weeknights at 6 PM and Saturdays either 1 PM or 4 PM. Lincoln Little League must provide an umpire for each home game.
- Who can umpire: Grandparents, parents, and students 15 years and older can umpire.
- What we offer: Lincoln Little League will supply required protective equipment for umpires to use (shin guards, chest guards, face mask) as well as training so you feel prepared.
- Student umpires: can choose to earn volunteer hours or $55 for each game worked.
Board Members
Our board is comprised of dedicated volunteers who want to grow and improve Lincoln Little League Softball. There are a number of levels of engagement depending on your skills and availability. Ideally, each board member serves two years. The board meets monthly starting in August, then moves to weekly meetings in December. Once the season starts in April, all of our duties are generally wrapped up.
Team Parents
Help support coaches, organize snacks if your team would like, plan an end of season party or a super fun parent vs. kid game!
Field Maintenance
Help coaches and players by volunteering to maintain our fields and prepare fields for game days. Fields need to be lined (chalked) and the infield dragged before each game (this is needed every game at East Sylvan and most games at Hamilton). Equipment and training provided, game day prep is less than 30 minutes. Other ongoing field maintenance needs include removing standing water from fields after heavy rains, applying infield amendments, weeding, and mowing.
Please note in the form below your specific interests: coaching, team parent, field maintenance, or umpiring.